Day 2 - Program / Payment

Program / Payment

Program / Payment

The purpose of the Program Recommendation section is to provide tailored highlights to your prospective student based on what you uncovered during the Motivation/Background and Admissibility sections.

At this point in the conversation, you will be taking the opportunity to “paint the picture” for the student: relating the information of what they shared of where they came from (their motivation, their educational background and experience, their funding expectations), and connecting it to the features and benefits that the program/institution offers (customizing this specifically for the student based off of what you have learned about them); and finally painting the picture of what it will look like when they achieve that initial (or the additional) motivation(s) once they start this journey and graduate as a student.

The ability to discuss our programs accurately and persuasively is one of the outcomes of this course:

You will be able to present correct information about TCS and its degree programs.

Your goal is to gain confidence! 

Financing your degree program

Refer students to Online Financial Aid:  1-800-595-6938 (write this number down)

The focus of this course will be on program knowledge; however, you should familiarize yourself with some of the resources for financial aid.  Go to these pages to familiarize yourself with:

Tuition Links to an external site.

Scholarships and Institutional Aid Links to an external site.

Military Assistance Links to an external site.