Course Syllabus

Communication skill improves with practice and experience.  This course intends to address the communication discipline in the context of the interpersonal relationship between a counselor and a person wishing to explore a program.

Instructional Designer: Paul J Matylonek
Phone: (312) 285-9330
Email: or



Counseling prospects on psychology degree programs 


Overview / Goal of Instruction / Instructional need 

Learners must understand ideal ways to engage with prospective students for The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP).  Currently, new counselors receive initial training, and they are sent back to the online department with a skeletal understanding of TCS' graduate programs.  The goal of this instruction is to help new counselors (students) learn the various programs offered at the school.  Learners will apply communication techniques, and then, create a personal communication plan for future use.

Rationale / Instructor Contact Information

Paul Matylonek has spent over 20 years talking to people about different colleges and their programs to generate interest and encourage enrollment.   I have trained new counselors in groups and one-on-one how to engage prospects over the phone and in-person.  There is a combination of psychological and communication principles that mesh in order for information to resonate with the person subjected to the information.  In this course, ideas of communication and topics to cover will be taught so that learners understand what must be conveyed for effective service to the prospect. 

Each learner will be mentored / proctored by their supervisor

Pre-requisite Course Knowledge – Learner Background

The learners for the course are new counselors for The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP).  These new counselors might be communicating in this fashion for the first time, but most new counselors are bringing in some experience of their own from other professional fields such as sales and customer service.  It is expected that all learners will have the initial training provided by TCS Education, and have successfully passed that initial training.  It is not necessary to review the initial training (since there will be refreshers in the course); however, learners might want to have their notes handy. 

Technology Proficiency and Requirements

This course will have an online format using CANVAS as its Learning Management System (LMS).  The student should have some skill using any PC or smart device to complete the course.  It is recommended that the student explore the online voice recorder application listed below.  WiFi or access to the internet is necessary to click through links provided.  Resources include

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe important ways to engage with prospective students
  2. Present correct information about TCS and its degree programs.
  3. Create a personal communication strategy / plan

Course overview

During the course of the next 10 business days, you will take each day to learn about an area of study offered by The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. 

  • Day 1: Introduction of the course and your new role. 
  • Day 2: M.A.P.S. review
  • Day 3: Interpersonal Communication
  • Day 4: Business Psychology Programs
  • Day 5: Applied Behavior Analysis Programs
  • Day 6: Clinical Mental Health / Forensic Psychology Counseling
  • Day 7: International Psychology / Public Health
  • Day 8: Bachelor degree programs.
  • Day 9: Putting together your personal communication plan
  • Day 10: Final Submission and Review. 

Grading policy (grade scale/weights)

All learners are expected to pass two assignments and a formative assessment provided after each module.  Learners are required to score from 12 to 18 points on the final project to pass the course.  The final project will be scored based on the rubric provided as thus: 

Surveys (4 questions each) will be granted 1 point per answered question.  36 Points

The assignments will be graded:

not meet requirements = 0 point (it is assumed that the category was attempted)
Meets requirements = 3 points
Exceeds requirements = 5 points

  • 81 - 100  = Exceeds requirements
  • 60 - 80 = Meets requirements
  • <=59 = not meet requirements.

The quizzes will be evaluated with 1 point with each correct answer

  • 81 - 90 points = Exceeds Requirements
  • 72 - 80 points = Meets Requirements
  • <=71 = Not meet Requirements

Final Submission / Test will be evaluated separated.

  • 28 - 34 points = Exceeds Requirements
  • 22 - 27 points = Meets Requirements
  • <=21 points = Not meet Requirements

Total = 260 points

231 - 260 = Exceeds Expectations

190 - 230 = Meets Expectations

<= 189 = Not meet Expectations

Late policies

This course is designed to be done in 10 business days or at a discretionary pace set by the supervisor.   All learners are required to submit a recorded interaction between themselves and a student, and an outline of their conversational strategy within a week after the modules are completed.  If the learner is unable to provide this recording along with the written communication strategy, then the learner must inform their supervisor for recommendations on how to proceed.   

Academic honesty policy

It is expected that all learners conduct themselves with the utmost honesty during this training, which means they are required to do their own work.  The training is designed to help each learner succeed in their new role, so any dishonesty will not serve this objective.  Any dishonesty will be referred to a supervisor for consideration. 

Preferred communication method (with timelines for responses)

The course format is online.  It should take the learner at least a day for each module.   The learner should visit their supervisor at the completion of each module to discuss the module and what they have learned, and to discuss appropriate timelines in context with other trainings.  Some modules might require more study than others.  

Class etiquette

If more than one person is on the course, it is recommended that these learners meet to discuss what they have learned, and create new learning opportunities.

Expectations regarding discussion activities

Courteous and professional respect is expected. 

Feedback information

Course Summary:

Date Details Due